Rape is any forced and unwanted sexual intercourse. It can be forced intercourse, oral sex, or anal. This violation can occur from a stranger or someone you know. It’s an unjust act that violates a person’s space, body, and will. Whether or not you said no or stop or fought back, it is still rape. Just because you are willing to meet up with the person or go behind closed doors does not give them the right to have sex with you without your permission. To be clear, you can be raped by your spouse, girlfriend or boyfriend, and family members. According to statistics, perpetrators of sexual violence often know the victims. Only 7% of the perpetrators were strangers. Please, if you have been raped, molested, or violated, don’t hesitate to contact authorities and get a rape kit done before you shower. Get tested for any possible STDs and follow up months after due to HIV or other STDs that may not appear in lab results immediately. Know you are not alone in this. There are hotlines such as RAINN, the national sexual assault hotline confidential support that offers 24/7 online chat or phone chat at 1800-656-HOPE (4673)
Remember this; you NEVER deserve to be violated, sexually abused, or abused in any other way. No matter what you have said, done in the past, or how you look, it was NOT your fault. You will get through this! Don’t lose hope in a life full of great possibilities.