Letting go of the bondage

Letting go of bondage. It’s a statement that’s easier said than done, but it can be easy when we forgive. Forgiveness is a powerful tool to help you enter into your freedom. I had to forgive God, my abusers, and also my parents before I was able to be free from the pain and the stench of rape. God didn’t cause the rape, and my parents knew nothing about it, but I considered them my protectors, and since I wasn’t protected against this horrible act, it made me hold them somewhat responsible. I was mad that God allowed this to happen to me, and I questioned what was so wrong with me that He didn’t protect His beloved. I had to accept that I would never understand why this happened to me, but I began to trust that God loves me. The rape was not done because something was wrong with me or God didn’t care for me. Bad things happen to people sometimes, but if you get past the hurt, the pain, the unforgiveness, and bitterness, you can watch even the worst situations work out for your good. And we know that all things work together for good to them those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28. I encourage you today to find out who you are holding forgiveness from and if you don’t know, then ask the Holy Spirit to reveal them to you. Once you find out, pray that God will help you to forgive that person or people. This is the beginning of your new beginnings, my friend. I am rooting for you to let unforgiveness go and allow Christ to set you free!
